Monday, April 18, 2011

17 Weeks

It's a GIRL!!!!

Well we think... haha!!  Little miss had her legs crossed most of the evening.  I got up, walked around, and did some jumping jacks.  Finally she cooperated and Klista found what she thought to be "girl parts."  She said it was still early and she wanted to double check at 18 weeks to confirm.  She said she was 70-80% sure of what she saw, so I'm taking that as pretty sure.

Avery (middle name to be a surprise at birth) Ellington
"The Bump"
17 weeks 3 days
Not quite there, but it's coming...


  1. I cant wait to dress her up in a frilly clothes and head bands with big flowers. Casual wear, her cute little jean skirt and flip flops. I hope we don't spoil her too much. HA HA Love Grammy xoxo

  2. What a beautiful name! Congrats again!

  3. Love, love, love the name! Can't wait for the cute little girls clothes!

  4. So excited about little Avery!! Come on you know her middle name is SPARKLES.!.!.! Thanks for posting your Baby Bump you look beautiful!!
