Monday, October 29, 2012

1 after 1

In the blink of an eye you've gone from noisily guzzling a bottle snuggled in my arms to holding a banana in your hand and chomping down with your 7 pearly whites.

From laying under a playmat batting the dangling toys to standing at your kitchen pretending to cook and talk on the phone.

From smiles and coos to giggles and "mamas, dadas and bye-byes."

From sleepers and booties to outfits and Stride Rites.

From bows to even bigger bows :)

From sponge baths in the sink to splashing and bubble beards in the bathtub.

Even with so many changes, one thing remains the same-- I love you with all my heart!

Happy 1 after 1 :)

Moods: Happy and silly most of the time.  She has developed the sweetest laugh and giggle that I never tire hearing.  Her temper shows up sometimes throughout the day.  If Daddy goes outside with her, she will let him know that she is unhappy about it. 
Favorite foods: Eats anything and everything I put on her highchair tray. 
Favorite new toy: For her birthday she got a singing picnic basket that she loves taking things out and putting things back in.  Speaking of toys- she used to love playing with her toy that pops balls out.  However, after fishing out tons a few objects (not balls) it not longer works.  Sadtimes!!
Sounds: Same sounds or words, but she says them when asked now.  I love her sweet voice.
Favorite hobbies: Avery's found the button on our couch that moves the recliner up and down.  She loves pushing that.  She also enjoys crawling behind the couch.  Her favorite game is trying to steal the remote, monitor, cell phone, or iPad from mommy or daddy. 
Playtime: She loves playing in her playroom.  She loves getting every toy and every book out EVERY day :) 
Sleep habits: Transitioning from 2 naps to just 1.  Still sleeps 11-13 hours a night.
Teeth: One new tooth this month.  Lower left side. 
Milestone: Birthday Party extravaganza.  We had a great time and Avery had a blast.  We collected donations for the Ronald McDonald House instead of presents.  We took Avery to the RMH at Baptist hospital to donate the items.  We hope for this to be an annual event.

Do these jeans make by belly look big?

Friday, October 19, 2012

My Punkin @ the Patch

Joe and I took Avery to a local pumpkin patch.  Avery was not in the best mood, so pictures were somewhat of a challenge.  At least she wasn't crying in the all of them like she was at the Ronald McDonald House.  We caught a few smiles, but getting her to look at the camera was almost impossible.  I still think my little punkin was the cutest in the patch.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

12 months...."Seasons of Love"

One of my favorites from Rent...
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.

In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure
A year in the life?

How about love?
How about love?
How about love? Measure in love

Seasons of love. Seasons of love

No matter how you say it 365 days, 12 months,1 year have flow by...
Weight: 20lbs 8.5oz  50%tile
Height:29.25"   50%tile
Head: 17.5" 25%tile 
Moods: She wants what she wants; when she wants it!! 'nuf said :)
Favorite foods: Still enjoys just about anything I put in front of her. 
Favorite new toy:She loves her wagon that Daddy pulls her in daily and she also loves her new pink cozy coupe car.
Sounds: Dada, mama (sometimes), gog (dog) , and bye-bye
Favorite hobbies: Besides playing she loves going up and down the stairs.  If that gate is left open, watch out, because she will be up the steps in the blink of an eye.  Luckily her Grammy taught her to safely maneuver down the stairs on her belly.  
Playtime: Still loves books especially if that make noice, pop up, or have flaps to pull.  She loves "walking"and pushing her walking toy.  She gets annoyed when she reaches a stopping point (ie- wall or carpet) and cries/whines for someone to help her. 
Sleep habits: Still 2 naps a day and sleeping 11-13 hours a night.
Teeth: No new teeth yet... staying strong and eatin on with her 6 teef :)
Milestone: We survived a stomach virus (we think).  There were no signs of illness except the numerous amounts of dirty diapers a day, which led to a horrendous case of diaper rash.  It was nothing a little pro-biotics, aquaphor, and tender lovin' care couldn't fix. 



Birthday Breakfast!!

Birthday Lunch @ Chcik-Fil-A with Mommy and Daddy
The sweet girls @ Chick-Fil-A asked Mommy if she could have ice cream--- why not?