Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patty's Day

Last year we made a trip to Charlotte to visit a pregnant Aunt Dre' and surprise my friend Erin in Charlotte.  Since she's moved to Washington, DC I hardly get to see her which is super sad to me.

THIS year Avery and I hung out inside most of the day. She is getting over a cold, so too much cold air would't me good for her.  Yesterday was a gorgeous day, so Daddy and I took our sweet girl to the park.

I made a delicious Lucky Charm snack mix for us to enjoy today, but I forgot to take a picture of it.  Check out my friend's Blog to get the recipe and a picture of her mix. 

Avery "colored" her first holiday masterpiece.  Of course I already have it hanging on the wall in her playroom.

Happy St. Patrick's Day :) 

Monday, March 4, 2013

17 Months Old

Food: New food this month include hot dogs and shrimp.  Not a fan of shrimp, but we'll try again.

Sleep: Awesome wonderful sleeper.  I think we are finally transitioned to one nap.  Some days she still takes two.  I wish her one nap was a little longer, but I can't complain because she still sleeps at least 12 hours every night.

Playtime: Dancing, stacking blocks, peek-a-boo, iPad games

Sounds/Words: Avery starting singing.  She sings "rock-a-by baby" to her babies while rocking them in the baby cradle.  She sings, "bye bye bye bye." Of course I think it is the most adorable thing EVER :) 

Teeth: I haven't gotten a good look in her mouth lately.  Her incisors are still working their way in along with her molars.

Milestone(s): eating snacks, lunches and some dinners at a big girl table.  The high chair is not going away just yet, but its a transition time. Also, her TWO new cousins were born.  She loves her babies.

Who's 17 months? Me???

I think the sticker looks better like this mommy!!
