Monday, April 25, 2011

18 Weeks

Real Estate Bummer- someone put an offer in on the house we planned on making an offer on tomorrow and it went under contract this weekend.  Who makes offers on Easter weekend?  Obviously not us or else we might have a new home. Boo :( Not happy about that.  So, we still have one house we like, but I kind of feel like we are back to square one.  Our appraisal is tomorrow for our current home.  This is the major determining factor on our contract going through.  Some homes in our neighborhood have appraised great and others, not so much.  We shall see.  We still have not received feedback from our home inspection and termite inspection is next week.  Sometimes they like to get all their information together and share it all at once instead of bits and pieces at a time.  Fingers still crossed everything goes through. 

We had a good weekend in Swansboro spending time with the Ellington parents, newlywed Ellington's and "soon to be married" Ellington's. 

Last Easter before Avery's arrival :)

My friend has postponed our ultrascan until next week due to the hospital being on strict security alert due to an incident a couple weeks ago where a boyfriend of a babies mom tried to suffocate the child in ICU.  The hospital is having an inspection sometime this week and she doesn't want to risk anything, which I totally understand.

Next doctor's appointment: May 11th

Monday, April 18, 2011

17 Weeks

It's a GIRL!!!!

Well we think... haha!!  Little miss had her legs crossed most of the evening.  I got up, walked around, and did some jumping jacks.  Finally she cooperated and Klista found what she thought to be "girl parts."  She said it was still early and she wanted to double check at 18 weeks to confirm.  She said she was 70-80% sure of what she saw, so I'm taking that as pretty sure.

Avery (middle name to be a surprise at birth) Ellington
"The Bump"
17 weeks 3 days
Not quite there, but it's coming...

Monday, April 11, 2011

16 Weeks :)


1- The house is under contract---woo hoo

2- I go to the doctor tomorrow for a check-up and to hear the heartbeat.

3- My next door neighbor is doing my ultrasound Friday evening to find out the sex of the baby.  Let's hope he or she cooperates.

Fun stuff.... I will update throughout the week.

Update (April 12th)
Doctor appointment went well.  The heartbeat was 140 bpm, so now I'm reallying thinking boy, but we'll have to wait until Friday.  Somehow I lost 5 pounds this month, but the doctor said he wasn't worried.

We are going to look at houses with Erin tonight.  Hopefully we will find something good.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

15 Weeks

No exciting baby news to report.  We should find out sometime next week what the sex is!!  We have not decided if we are going to share the news with everyone at first.  We may wait until Easter to share with the Ellington family since we will be there visiting.  Knowing me though, I will not be able to wait...

We had a house showing Sunday and the feedback was really good.  We are in the top 2 of her choices, so keep your fingers crossed.

House update (April 5th) We have a 2nd showing this Friday. The other home she is looking at is $5000 more, but it does have a garage.  Here's hoping...