Monday, December 31, 2012

15 Months

Height: 31 in 57%tile
Weight:22 lbs. 1 oz 57%tils
Head : 48%tile
Favorite foods: Green beans- the girl can kill some green beans straight from the can
Favorite toy: Books (that's not my... series), Big Bird puppet, cookie monster
Sounds/Words: New this month: turtle, duck, dog, Mimi, Pop pop, Cici (Courtney), Teezy, Day (beginning of Daisy-Dre'), Kiki (Kim), Ho-ho-ho, Bobo (Zoe's name) and choo choo.  There is probably more.  She say's "e-i-e-i" after we sing "old mcdonald."  She answers "moooo" when we ask her what sound a cow makes. 
Favorite hobbies: Walking circles around the house.  She loves to dance to country tunes and she claps to "if you're happy and you know it"
Sleep habits: still my sleeping beauty
Teeth: 12 teeth (I think).  MOLARS ARE HERE. 
Milestone(s): LOVED HATED SANTA!
New Places/Travels: 1st Birthday Party @ Children's Museum for Phillip Mabe, Fuquay-Varina for Christmas

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Santa Bab(ies)

As I sit here typing this blog while my lil angel naps I can't help but think how lucky I am to have such a wonderful group of friends, caring family, loving husband, and of course an amazing daughter.  Joe and I are blessed to be so close with both our families.  Big families = big holidays :)

We began our Christmas extravaganza with the Ellington family the weekend before Christmas.  Side note- This was a great plan and I hope we continue this tradition year after year because I TOTALLY enjoyed being home on Christmas Day and the days following.
We drove to Nicki and Jeff's home in Fuquay-Varina which we were very thankful for because it's only a 2 hour drive vs 4 hours all the way to Swansboro. For a one night trip that was easy-breezy.  Plus Nicki and Jeff have plenty of space for all of us :)  My two sister-in-laws are pregnant and due in early 2013, so this was most likely the last time we got spend with them before the new babies.  It was also Avery's last time to get spoiled rotten and soak up everyone's attention before having to share with her new cousins.  We will forever be working on that! Everyone brought a dish and Nicki cooked up a delicious meal.  We ate, opened gifts, and maybe ate some more.  We loved spending time with the Ellington gang and are super excited about the upcoming arrival of Ellington baby #2 and Ellington baby #3.

Part two of our Christmas Extravaganza was with the Morrison Family in Kernersville.  Mom had a Christmas Eve open house with our neighbors and their families.  We were happy to visit with family and great friends for a couple hours early that afternoon before dinner and gifts galore.  My grandfather (Pappy) and his wife Kim (Kiki-name still TBD, but we're thinking that's a winner) flew in from Pennsylvania to spend the holiday with us.  We knew this Christmas would be fun with all the babies and every year we say, "just wait til next year..." Hahah, but it's so true.  Pop Pop even dressed as Santa and scared the living daylight out of Avery. Hopefully she will be able to erase that from her memory so she doesn't associate the man she hates the most with her awesome Pop Pop.  After an evening of  tissue paper and wrapping paper flying about (one may or may not have nailed Gigi in the eye) we ate a delish meal and headed home to put baby girl in her own bed so Santa (the real one) could visit her.

Christmas Day was very special this year because it was the first time we woke up at our house and stayed there all day.  It was amazing.  My mom and dad came over for dinner, but other than that all we did was relax and play. I hope to spend many, many more Christmas days like this in the future years to come.

Hope your Christmas was a wonderful as ours.
Link to Christmas 2011 here.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Scary Santa 
2011              2012

Someone changed a lot this year and it wasn't Santa!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

14 months

... and BUSY.  
That's the one word to perfectly describe Avery this month.  
The girl DOES.NOT.STOP!!
Except for the occasional photo :) 
Favorite foods: Shouts for "nanas"  morning, noon, and night.  She tried and LOVED Honey Baked Ham this month -just like her daddy! 
Favorite toy: cars she can push around, books, and her walking toy.  She's found a renewed love for her singing dog "Violet."
Sounds/Words: Dada, Mama, Gigi, bye-bye, nana, bubble, and teeth. 
Favorite hobbies: Loves going outside w/ her daddy in the wagon.  Daddy has to sneak out of the house if he's not going to take her or she has a total meltdown.  Avery also loves bathtime :) 
Trouble: Avery thinks throwing her food on the floor is fun.  She thinks it's even more fun when we tell her "no".  We are working on this, but I think  we're in for it...
Sleep habits: perfect sleeper (knock on wood).  Back to two naps a day.  
Teeth: 8 teeth total.  4 top, 4 bottom.  TONS of drool recently, so I'm sure more teeth are coming soon.  
Milestone(s): Finally WALKING!!!!!
New Places/Travels: 1st Zoo trip, Swansboro for Thanksgiving

Gigi and Pop's babies
Happy Turkey Day!!!
Can you imagine all three starting Kindergarten together-my oh my!!
I can't wait for Christmas with these three!!!