Monday, April 11, 2011

16 Weeks :)


1- The house is under contract---woo hoo

2- I go to the doctor tomorrow for a check-up and to hear the heartbeat.

3- My next door neighbor is doing my ultrasound Friday evening to find out the sex of the baby.  Let's hope he or she cooperates.

Fun stuff.... I will update throughout the week.

Update (April 12th)
Doctor appointment went well.  The heartbeat was 140 bpm, so now I'm reallying thinking boy, but we'll have to wait until Friday.  Somehow I lost 5 pounds this month, but the doctor said he wasn't worried.

We are going to look at houses with Erin tonight.  Hopefully we will find something good.


  1. We are all waiting:) So much fun and excitement. What a lucky little bundle,and he or she doesn't even know how much love is waiting.XO Grammy

  2. So excited for you guys.. Can't wait to find out if the baby is a boy or girl.. I never lost 1 pound while pregnant,, all that afternoon sickness and growing a baby burns a lot of calories.. Are you feeling good?? Good luck house hunting it is the perfect market to find a perfect house for your family!!
