Monday, June 23, 2014

One Month Old

How is she one month already?  Ok, so by the time I'm posting this she's 6 weeks, but who's counting...

Weight: 10 lb 12 oz (74%tile)
Height: 21.25" (36%tile)
This was about the same height as her hospital height.  Doc thinks it's because the differences in how they measure, so hopefully she grow a little longer by her 2nd month check up. 
Head: 14.76" (65%tile)
Diapers: newborn (for about two weeks) - size 1
Clothing: newborn, 0-3month, and 3 months
Sleep: Sleeps most of the day in between feedings. Nighttime sleep varies but usually she sleeps in the swing, bouncy seat and sometimes in her crib. 
Food: mommy's milk and formula every 3 hours or so 
Moods: I keeping throwing around the word "colic" because lil Miss Addison is usually super fussy from about 6pm-10pm.  Her cries are heart breaking b/c she seems to be in a lot of pain from gas.  We've been to the doctor several times.  She's been diagnosed with "silent reflux" but I still on the fence about that b/c she's not fussy on in pain with every feeding.  We began giving her zyntac and are holding off on the rice cereal in the bottle until we talk more with her doctor at her one month appointment. 
Favorite Toys: Nothing really yet.  She did just begin noticing the lights on her bouncy seat and the toys circling from her swing.
Playtime: Not too much playing yet b/c she sleeps so much during the day.  Big sister Avery cannot wait to be able to play with Addison

A few moments of Addison's 1st month

1st Bath 

1st "good" sleep in crib

1st doctor appointment

beginning to stay alert more during day 

1st Lake Trip

Lake w/ Pop Pop

Spending time with big sissy Avery 

sleeping on Mommy

Avery wants to play with her so badly 
I LOVE to compare the girls' pictures at the same age/stage!!
What do you think, do they look anything alike??  I don't really see it. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Addison's Birth Story

Addison's birth story is the furthest away in similarity from Avery's birth story. And for that I am very thankful.  Since Avery was born via c section I knew I would have a planned c section with Addison.  Many people questioned me if that's really what I wanted.  That made me a little angry because whose business is it anyway, but people will say just about anything to a pregnant person.  I discussed my options with my doctor and I was perfectly content with planning Addison's birth.  Choosing the date was rather interesting because there are so many beginning of May birthdays in my family.  I obviously wanted MY doctor to do it and it just so happened he was on call for May 14th which is my aunts birthday.  She was more than happy to share her day with Addison.  

The morning of May 14th we were supposed to report to the hospital at 10:00am to check-in and our operation was scheduled for 11:30am.  i pre-registered so check in was easy and before I knew it I was upstairs going into the pre-op room getting my gown on.  Joe and I heard a baby crying and asked about it.  We were told the post-op is across the room from us and after the surgery all of us (baby included) would be in the recovery room together.  This was foreign to me b/c with Avery I was in recovery alone b/c Joe went with Avery to the NICU.  
Ready to meet my girl!
It's "GO TIME"
Like I said before everything about this time around was different from when I had Avery.  With Avery I had an epidural 1st while in labor and then had a spinal once I got into the operating room.  I guess b/c I had both I was pretty numb b/c I couldn't move my arms and didn't feel a thing while she was being delivered.  No pulling, tugging, nothing.. This time I only received a spinal and my arms were free to move as I pleased and I could feel everything going on down below.  Nothing hurt, but I could feel "stuff."  Since we were not in a distressed emergency situation the doctor told Joe he could take pictures of Addison coming out.  I will not post those b/c some people might freak out, but if you're interested I'll be glad to show you.  

At 11:59 am this little angel took her first breath and screamed bloody murder for at least 5 minutes.  She scored an 8 and 9 on her Apgar test.  One perfect, healthy lil lady and NO NICU for us.  Praise the Lord!!
Daddy cutting the cord
1st Family pic (minus big sister)
 After hanging out in the OR while they stitched me up we were wheeled to the recovery room.  I was able to nurse and relax with my sweet new baby girl and Joe.  As soon as I could wiggle my toes and move my legs some we were taken to our mother baby room.  Of course Gigi and Mimi were there waiting for us before we even entered the room.  The rest of the day was spent adoring this little angel with all our family members.  Avery meeting Addison was a memory I will always treasure.  I'm pretty sure there wasn't a dry eye in the room.