Saturday, August 27, 2011

36 Weeks

By the end of this week baby girl will be considered "full term," so let the waiting game begin.  We have another childbirth class tonight.  I believe tonight's agenda is cesarean births and epidurals.  I go to the doctor Thursday at 4:00.  We are supposed to go to the beach this weekend, so let's hope my doctor is okay with that.  I've read several places that you shouldn't travel too far during your last month, so we shall see.

Monday, August 22, 2011

35 Weeks

Well we've had such a busy week.  After a great weekend in Swansboro we've had something to do just about every day.  Tuesday I went to the doctor and everything was great.  We also had our first childbirth class at the hospital.  It went well, but the crazy thing was out of all the couples in the class we are due first.  Wednesday I went back to work.  It was great seeing all my coworkers again, but I can tell this whole "work thing" is going to get old pretty fast.  I'm starting to slow down and waddle just a little. Haha.  We have an awesome reclining couch at home and I joked with Joe last night about how it would be even better if I could press the button and it would lean forward and push me out of of the couch.  Thursday I went on an office visit with our pediatrician's office.  There are actually three locations in Winston and Clemmons.  Their motto is for parents to feel relaxed and not overwhelmed by a huge busy office.  They "say" usually when you come in for appointments you'll be the only one in the waiting room.  We shall see.  Friday we went to Charlotte to celebrate all the wonderful things that have happened in the Maslow family over the past couple years.  Most graduating, getting jobs, buying a house, and of course adopting their precious baby girl Tella (puppy).  Saturday three of my fabulous girlfriends threw us a couples baby shower at our new home.  It was wonderful hanging out with everyone and we didn't even have to leave the house or carry gifts into the house.  Pretty good deal.  Sunday Joe and I took maternity pictures out at Tanglewood.  My friend Emily began a photography business this summer and she agreed to take "baby bump" pictures for us.  I've only gotten the chance to see one, but I'm sure they will be fantastic.  I will post them as soon as I get the CD.  We spent the rest of Sunday relaxing at the lake.  The weightlessness in the water is amazing for pregnant women.  Here are a few pictures from our weekend.

Monday, August 15, 2011

34 Weeks

Back to Reality..........
It's sad to announce I have to go back to work "officially" on Wednesday.  I went in once last week, today, and will most likely go in again tomorrow to get a head start on things.  Funny thing is that I will only be there for a month, but I need to get things ready for my sub while I'm gone.  Somebody asked me today if I was nervous about the birth.  I was kind of embarrassed to say that I was more nervous about relinquishing control of my classroom than giving birth.  I suppose most teachers feel the same way. 

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, so hopefully all will still be well with my blood pressure, weight, and the baby's heart rate and development. Joe and I finished our breastfeeding class last week and we begin our "Childbirth and Beginnings" class tomorrow.  They are once a week for 5 weeks.  Hopefully we will make it to all of them before she arrives, but I'm pretty sure she's not going to wait for us if we're not done.  We are also going to visit our pediatrician's office Thursday of this week.

I have been going back and forth about having maternity pictures done.  I kind of wanted them, but I didn't want to pay out the wazoo that most photographers charge for setting fees and additional charges for the rights to the pictures.  A coworker of mine, Emily, has recently began her photography business and she's agreed to take "belly pictures" of us this weekend.  I am excited to have someone I know take the pictures.  She's done a great job with the sessions she's done this summer, so I'm excited to see how ours turn out.  Joe will be there with me to take some together as well. 

We had another great weekend in Swansboro.  We threw a bridal shower for Nicki on Saturday.  It was good hanging out with the family and meeting Nicki's mom, Brenda.  She was wonderful. She fits in just fine with the Ellington clan.  Here are a few pix from the weekend.

Auntie Love

Cake and Drinks

Cake Close-up

Belly @ 34 Weeks :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

33 Weeks

Less than 50 days now until she arrives (hopefully). 

It is sad to report that this is my last week of summer vacation and next Wednesday I report back to work.  I really think having the past two months off have been the best thing for this pregnancy.  I've been able to rest when I'm tired and not be on my feet all day.  Going back to work will be very interesting.  I hope I don't swell up like a balloon the first week. 

Dad is coming over tonight to put up some finishing touches in the nursery.  He's hanging blinds and a curtain rod so we can hang her valence.  Here are some pictures of her room pretty much put together. 

Joe and I are going to Swansboro this weekend.  We are throwing a bridal shower for Nicki, my future sister-in-law.  Jeff and Nicki are getting married September 24th and we are super excited to welcome her into the Ellington family (officially- I feel like she's been a part of the fam for a while now).

Monday, August 1, 2011

32 Weeks

Here we are at 32 weeks!  8 weeks (or so) to go!
I went to the doctor today and everythign is still great.  My Blood pressure was normal, baby's heart beat was strong, and I finally put on some lbs ( I knew that was coming). Hahaha.

Thank you to Aunt Dre', Aunt Courtney, Erin, Candace, and Megan for hosting a wonderful baby shower for us on Sunday.  The food and decor was perfect!  Thank you to all our friends and family who came and showered lil miss Avery with soooo many wonderful gifts.  We are very lucky and feel extremely loved.