Monday, August 15, 2011

34 Weeks

Back to Reality..........
It's sad to announce I have to go back to work "officially" on Wednesday.  I went in once last week, today, and will most likely go in again tomorrow to get a head start on things.  Funny thing is that I will only be there for a month, but I need to get things ready for my sub while I'm gone.  Somebody asked me today if I was nervous about the birth.  I was kind of embarrassed to say that I was more nervous about relinquishing control of my classroom than giving birth.  I suppose most teachers feel the same way. 

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, so hopefully all will still be well with my blood pressure, weight, and the baby's heart rate and development. Joe and I finished our breastfeeding class last week and we begin our "Childbirth and Beginnings" class tomorrow.  They are once a week for 5 weeks.  Hopefully we will make it to all of them before she arrives, but I'm pretty sure she's not going to wait for us if we're not done.  We are also going to visit our pediatrician's office Thursday of this week.

I have been going back and forth about having maternity pictures done.  I kind of wanted them, but I didn't want to pay out the wazoo that most photographers charge for setting fees and additional charges for the rights to the pictures.  A coworker of mine, Emily, has recently began her photography business and she's agreed to take "belly pictures" of us this weekend.  I am excited to have someone I know take the pictures.  She's done a great job with the sessions she's done this summer, so I'm excited to see how ours turn out.  Joe will be there with me to take some together as well. 

We had another great weekend in Swansboro.  We threw a bridal shower for Nicki on Saturday.  It was good hanging out with the family and meeting Nicki's mom, Brenda.  She was wonderful. She fits in just fine with the Ellington clan.  Here are a few pix from the weekend.

Auntie Love

Cake and Drinks

Cake Close-up

Belly @ 34 Weeks :)


  1. Joe had to take a breastfeeding class LOL> how did he do??? Just kidding! wow the count down is really and miss you guys so much!!!

  2. Giving up the classroom is hard. It's worse if you go back and visit and see all of your stuff not where it should be. Out of my three, none of them did things the way I left them in my plans. Things will go missing and you will have to reorganize how you want it when you come back. Everyone of them did a fabulous job teaching though!
    So excited for you guys!
