Tuesday, May 17, 2011

21 Weeks

Nothing too exciting to report this week.   Dr. V said he will have to do another ultrasound next month because she was turned in a way that he was unable to see certain things.  I hope this is not foreshadowing of a stubburn nature.  Haha. He did confirm she was a girl and she was measuring the right size for her due date (still Sept. 26).  As of last week she weighed 12 ounces.
Warning: picture quality is not great.
 Heart rate 145-150 bpm

Giving the camera a thumbs up- I think she was sucking her thumb

Still a girl :)

Other news- we moved out of our town home this past weekend thanks to all the man/woman power from Joe's parents, Uncle Jeff, my parents, and Grammy.  We are now living with GG and Pop-Pop.  I think Zoe is a little confused about things, but she'll be happy once she sees her new home with her fenced in back yard all to herself. 

There is still lots to do in preparation for the move and Avery's arrival, but it's a very exciting time in our lives.

Next Doctor's Appointment: June 7th


  1. This is a busy time and so exciting. Lots to do in the next few months Showers,moving,painting,cleaning,fixing and our new princes Avery. GOOD TIMES AHEAD !!!!! love Gram ..XOXOXO

  2. Love seeing pictures of little Avery! I think she has Joe's nose and your lips.. I am not sure who's thumb she has because I can't remember what your thumbs look like!!! Love you guys bunches June 20 will be here before you know it and then you can get all settled in..
    Love Greatest Aunt T
