Thursday, November 17, 2011

One Month

I writing her one month blog on the day she turns 7 weeks... oops.  I will post her 2 month blog after her two month doctor's appointment the week after Thanksgiving.  Poor baby has to get shots.  Mommy is not going to like that. 

So, the first month of her life seemed to fly by.  Considering she spent almost two weeks in the hospital her first month was just a little over two weeks at home.  She is such a good baby.  She cries when she's hungry, wet or tired and that's about it.  She has slept in her crib since the first day we brought her home, so that is one less thing we'll have to break her of later.  During her first month we've been blessed with such amazing friends and family bringing us dinners and spending time together.  I have been able to leave her for short amounts of time with Joe, my mom (Gigi) and my grandmother (Grammy) to run to the grocery or Target.
I do think about her the entire time I'm away, but it wasn't as hard to leave her as I had imagined.  I wondered if this made me a bad mom, but Grammy made me realize it's because I feel so comfortable and trust the people I'm leaving her with.  Now going back to work... that will be a different story. 

Everyone told me before I had her to get as much sleep as I can.  It began to get on my nerves, mainly b/c obviously these people forgot how hard it is to sleep being 9 and 10 months pregnant, but boy were they right.  Joe had 5 weeks paternity leave and that has been the biggest blessing for our sleep.  He was able to help me with feedings, diaper changes, and just loving her.  Now that he is back to work I count the hours until her gets home. 

At her one month doctors appointment Dr. Hoyal said she was perfect and complimented us as parents.  That is always nice to hear.  She gained some weight, which always makes a mommy happy to know she is feeding her child appropriately. 

I stole these categories from my friend Kristen's blog that I will include in all her monthly blogs. 

Weight: 8 pounds 1.6 ounces
Height: 20 1/2 inches
Moods: loves to look around with her bright blue eyes
Favorite foods: mommy's milk and formula
Favorite toys: sea horse that plays music
Noises: grunting and her girly scream
Favorite hobbies: being held by anyone
Playtime: tummy time (not the biggest fan)  She also loves taking a bath.

1 month milestone pictures
stickers founds at: (great gift idea)

cheering for the pirates on game day :)

 i love bath time

beginning to smile some

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