Monday, July 14, 2014

Two Months Old

Addison Claire is two months old. Seriously. TIME.SLOW.DOWN!!!!

Weight: 12 lbs (68%tile)

Height: 22.4 47%tile)

Head:  15.2" (61%tile)

Diapers: Size 1

Clothing: packed up newborn. You are wearing 0-3 and 3 months

Sleep: Not sleeping as much during the day.  We've gotten into a pretty good routine of sleep, eat,  play, repeat.  Most nights she sleeps the first part of the night in her crib 10 or 11ish- 4-5ish.  Then she eats and usually sleeps in her swing the rest of the morning. 

Food: same as 1st month (mommy's milk and formula every 3 hours or so).  She's been less and less interested in my Supplement Nursing System ( The SNS is the best invention ever for mommies with low supply)  She's not latching very well anymore I am having to feed her the rest of her formula through a bottle.  I see our nursing days coming to an end.  I only nursed Avery for 8 weeks, so I am ok with it.  Of course I would have LOVED to have nursed both of my babies for a year, but my body make less than an ounce of milk a day and no baby can live on that.  Yes, I've tried all the natural and prescription meds to help supply and I've even made lactation cookies.  Oh well, moving on!! 

Moods:  Finally I do believe we have exited our daily rides on the fuss bus.  Her fussy time has gotten sooooo much better (knock on wood), but I am not sure what to contribute it to.  The Zantac/ gribe water/ gas drop combination or just maturity. Whatever it is I am grateful and hoping things continue down this path.  

Favorite Toys: Anything she can hold.  She still keeps her hands in fists.  I think this is her coping mecanism to help deal with the gas pains.  When she nurses or take a bottle she likes to hold my hand.  It's precious.   

Playtime: Playtime usually consists of her laying under her playmat.  She's started to swat and kick at the toys hanging above her.  She will lay under there for a good 10 minutes before getting fussy, sometimes more and sometimes less :) 

Firsts: smile, swimming in a pool, meeting my cousin Jamison, Sadie, Uncle Mark, Aunt Mary, and Grandma Ellington.
1st BUMBO sittin
1st time meeting Sadie (one day apart) 
meeting Gma Ellington (92 years old) 

lovin my sissy

1st time swimming

chins and cheeks for days
 Big Sister Update:  2 years and 10 months old
Big Sister Avery is being a typical 2 almost 3 year old. She loves to play with her baby dolls, read books, ride her bike, and sing songs.  She take one nap a day usually about 2 hours long. She knows her colors.  Can identify all upper case letters in isolation. Can count to 10 (sometimes).  We are working on number identification.  She can also identify most basic shapes.   Big News: AVERY is POTTY TRAINED TRAINING!!! She is doing such a good job and I couldn't be prouder of her.  It is so true what they say about potty training, "when they're ready, they will do it."  I tried several times before Addison was born b/c I really didn't want two in diapers, but she wasn't ready and it didn't work out. But one day she said she wanted to go potty and the rest is history.

wedgie :) 

pull ups 
First time staying a week at Mimi and Pop's house

2nd haircut :) 

nothing says summer like fresh watermelon

swimming at the clubhouse

Last but not least, of course we have a comparison picture :) 
At 2 months...
Avery was 9lbs 15.5oz (28%tile) Addison is 12lbs (68%tile)
Avery was 22.4 " (47%tile) and Addison is 22.4" (47%tile) SAME :) 
Avery's HC was 14 3/4" (19%) and Addison is 15.2" (61%tile)

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