Tuesday, July 29, 2014

True Life- Mommy of Two

The unconditional love a mother has for her 1st born child when she gives birth is indescribable   When she gets pregnant with her 2nd she can never imagine loving another as much her 1st, but it somehow it happens. A mother's heart doesn't make room for the new child because that would mean some of the love was taken from the 1st and given to the 2nd.  A mother's heart doubles in size to give an equal amount of love to all (maybe even quadruples).  

I've been home for almost 3 months now and as my days become numbered of being a temporary stay-at-home-mommy I wanted to get this post written before the craziness of the school year began. I can honestly say I was not prepared for the love, joy, and stress these past few months have provided.  For those of you about to embark on your 2nd child I don't think anything could have prepared me better and I'm sure everyone's experience will be different.  

One of my most favorite memories I have is Avery meeting Addison for the 1st time.  I literally thought my heart was going to explode. Hence the picture below of the weeping mommy watching her two babies meet for the 1st time. 

Avery was so sweet and loving with her.  She was so proud to be big sister and fell in love with Addison as quickly as the rest of us did.  

I mean... 

 At first Avery wanted to be with Addison every waking moment. She even parked her chair in front of her bouncy seat several times just to watch and protect her (while also watching Peppa Pig-of course).

Anytime Addison is on her play mat it's not long before big sister joins her.  Of course this is completely adorable, but it's also stressful because big sisters have "so much love" that can be a little overwhelming for a tiny baby. This big sister is unaware of how strong her arms and legs can be and can easily whack a baby.

cuteness overload

Avery wants to hold Addison like a big girl. We are still working on how to hold a baby properly. She gets so excited when she holds her that she just squeezes the mess out of her and of course it usually ends with me getting worried and Addison crying.


 The precious moments that the three of us have shared this summer will never be forgotten and I know next summer will be even more exciting.

Now I titled this blog post TRUE LIFE because this summer has not been EASY or always full of JOY. I feel bad even saying that, but I feel like I need to be honest and not sugar coat everything.  Life is tough with two, but it IS amazing and I would never have it any different.  Will there be a THIRD? NOOOOOOO

Here is my list of 10 things a mother of a toddler and newborn should know or do... these are in no particular order.

1- Keep your toddler in preschool or daycare at least 2 days a week while on maternity leave
2- Cook LOTs of meals before having the baby
3- Get a mani, pedi, and your hair done before baby #2
4- Hire someone to clean your house 2 x a month
5- Buy a bottle of wine to have on hand after baby is born
6- If people want to visit or help out in any way LET them
7- Have the newborn nap in his/her nursery
8- Make time for your 1st born to do things alone with him/her
9- Limit your toddlers "time outs" each day b/c most of them will be from your frustration and now always from their actions
10- Take pictures and journal your experiences b/c time will FLY by

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