I originally started this blog when I found out of I pregnant with my first. I did a pretty good job of documenting our weekly pregnancy updates, housing projects (because we moved during that time period), and other random happenings of the summer months. I continued with monthly updates of Avery's birth and monthly growth milestones I even tried to include vacation posts, well this summer I fell off the blog bandwagon and had a hard time getting back on. One I had an almost 2-year old that kept me pretty busy and Two we got pregnant again and I was super tired and didn't feel like doing anything. Once I got so behind I felt like I would NEVER be able to catch, so I gave up. Sad times. Well I really wanted to continue and a few weeks ago began back dating the posts I missed on my blog hiatus. Obviously I'm not going to be able to back date our weekly pregnancy posts considering I'm 33 weeks, but I will try to include the highlights :)
So most of you reading this know I have PCOS and getting pregnant was not the easiest process for us, although I must say we have been so lucky to get pregnant both times within a reasonable amount of times. I have several friends who have not been so lucky and my heart aches for them. Without going into all the details of ovulation and bloodwork (if you are interested in learning more about what we went through I will be glad to share our journey with you) I will skip to the last phone call I had with my doc before finding out was where he told me I didn't ovulate (again) and he wanted me to go back on the pill and take about 4-6 months off of trying. I was disappointed of course, but it was not the end of the world. Because of the PCOS I have to sometimes take a pill to jump start my cycle (sorry TMI). I waited and waited and finally thought there is no way possible, but I had a pregnancy test left over from when we tried for Avery so I thought what the heck. On a Monday morning a 6am I got the two lines and was shocked. Of course I couldn't trust an almost 2 year old test, so I picked up two more on the way to work and took them there. Yes, I was that girl taking a pregnancy test at work. I don't think anyone at my school knows I did that. Below is the photo I texted to Joe.

Since my bloodwork came back that I did not ovulate that month we really had no idea when I got pregnant and were really unsure of the due date. Our original though was May 5th, but after our first ultrasound the due date turned out to be May 17th.
Lil peanut's 1st picture |
With baby #2 I learned that my "bump" began showing a lot earlier than with Avery. Maternity clothes are pretty comfortable, so I didn't mind wearing them as soon as possible. The only downfall was all my maternity clothes were summer, and it was winter time when I needed to begin wearing them.
about 12 or so weeks here |
I try to take weekly pictures, but I'm really bad about remembering, so here is the best progression I can get ya.
16 weeks
19 weeks
20 weeks |
21 weeks |
22 weeks |
25 weeks |
27 weeks |
30 weeks |
31 weeks |
32 weeks |
33 weeks |
Gender post
Addison's birthday is scheduled to be May 14th unless she decides to arrive earlier than that.
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