I decided to make a mobile for Addison's nursery, instead of buying the one that goes with her bedding. One- the one that goes with her bedding has birds on it and I didn't want birds since I had owls in Avery's room and Two- I didn't want to spend the money. Since we are not having any showers, Joe and I are having to purchase a lot of things ourselves, so anywhere I can save a buck I'm all for it.
The supplies I needed where an embroider hoop and ribbon.
hoop given to me by grandmother (free) ribbon 40% at Michaels ($8)
I began by cutting strips of ribbon and tying them to the hoop. Not sure what this type of loop is called, but maybe the links at the bottom know more about knots than me :) I used the widest patterned ribbon first (ps- when I bought it I had no idea how perfect it would actually match her bedding- score).
Then added the silver/gray strips between the patterned ribbon.
The links that I pinned didn't tell me to wrap the hoop in a ribbon, but I decided I probably should, so I took off all the ribbon to start over. I would have worked without wrapping it if I used all thin ribbon and overlapped them, but I was not...
I busted out the hot glue gun and used the silver/gray ribbon and wrapped it around the hoop. Putting a few spots of hot glue on the inside of the hoop to ensure it stays tight all the way around.
After wrapping the hoop I retied the ribbon around it. Beginning with the pattern, then silver, then pink, and then the white in the empty spots. The pink ribbon has glitter and it was a lot harder to tie because it was stiff, but every little girls room needs a touch of glitter.
When I took it upstairs to put it on Avery's old mobile arm piece (no idea what it's called). I noticed all the ribbon becoming looser and looser. SO I sat down in glider in the nursery and tied a knot under each of the knot loops I previously made. That did the trick. Lastly I took a piece of pink ribbon I had in my ribbon scraps and tied it to each side of the hoop and hung it directly from the music piece on the old mobile. The pins I found said to tie a string from three different parts and hang from the middle of those three. Honestly I did try that also, but could never get the hoop to hang evenly. Ain't nobody got time for that, so the pink ribbon worked and was way less tricky.
Ta-da You could choose to have your ribbon all perfectly even, but I like it all different lengths. |
Here's a side by side comparioson of Avery's mobile and the new DIY mobile. The pink fabric on the mobile arm is a bit darker than the other pinks in the room, so that may change, but most likely it will stay and eventually it will just blend in :)
So there ya have it. I'm pretty proud of my "craftiness" in this room. Usually my crafty comes out crappy!!! Happy Friday!
My "pinspirations" for this project came from these sites.
DIY: Ribbon Chandelier ,
DIY-ribbon-mobile, and
Make Your Own Ribbon Mobile.