Monday, July 1, 2013

21 months

3 more months until birthday #2.  Didn't we just celebrate her 1st birthday?  My goodness.

I've been a "stay at home mama" for the past couple weeks now and I've loved every minute of it.  We play, shop, go to the gym, and snuggle (when she lets me).

Here are a few snapshots of our summer so far.. 
Playing with Laila in the pool
yellow polka dot bikini
swing :) 
Holding my 1st baby, cousin Brayden
Pool time with Brayden
Ok back to being 21 months old.  

~ Sleeps 7:30pm-7:00am most days

~Take one 2-hour nap during the day

~ LOVES the pool and lake.  We are going to the beach next week and I'm sure she will LOVE that too. 

~ Favorite foods right now are: blueberry eggo waffles, hot dogs, fruit snacks (this list is sounding so healthy right?) strawberries, black beans, hummus and ketchup (yes that's a food in our house). 

~Talks, talks, talks... The girl repeats everything and speaks her own phrases.  Our favorite right now is, "I;m doing it!" 

~LOVES her iPad.  

~Taken a new interest in Minnie Mouse, but still loves Elmo. 

~Time-Outs are occurring more often.  Little lady likes to hit her mama and sometimes pushes down her cousin Laila.  Please let this just be a phase. 

1 comment:

  1. Love reading the blog,so glad you are still doing this. Gram
