Weight: ??? My guess would be around 14 or 15 pounds.
Height: ?? go to doctor next month for 6 month well check.
Head: ?? go to doctor next month for 6 month well check.
Moods: Happy lil girl! Loves to yell and squeal while playing.
Favorite foods: Formula (6oz). This month she also tried green beans and squash. She likes the squash much better than the beans.
Favorite toys: "Baby Love" Baby Love is the stork that her Pop pop bought her from the hospital gift shop when she was born. It flaps it's wings and sings "baby love." She loves it and often squeals with delight when she hears it.
Noises: She has definitely found her voice. She loves "talking" to anyone who'll listen.
Playtime: Loves playing peek-a-boo and likes it when her daddy tosses her up and down. We also visited the park for the 1st time this month. She enjoyed swinging in the baby swing.
Milestones: Sitting up all by herself and trying baby food.
Sleep: Goes to bed around 8:30-9:00pm and sleeps until 6:30-7:00am "ish". She's been sleeping this well for since December.
Joe's parents came to visit in the beginning of February. This was a great help to me because I was holding parent/teacher conferences and getting home later than usual. Mimi brought Avery some great new clothes for this summer and some sleepers for next year. Avery enjoyed staying home with her Mimi and Pop. This gave Grammy some "time off," but of course she wanted to come visit with Mimi and Pop as well.
Valentine's Day was much different this year than those of the past. Joe and I usually get dressed up and go out to eat someplace nice. This year I got dressed comfy and we ordered Chinese take out. It was still just as wonderful as always because we got to spend time together. The only bad part was since I've been eating healthier these days (19 pounds lost since Dec...woot woot) the Chinese food did not settle with me all that well. Joe did get me the sweetest gift. I have him a hint of something I wanted, but didn't think he'd be able to find it and purchase it by V-day, but he's awesome. He got me a silver chain with an adorable block letter "A" covered with diamonds. I love everything about it!!!
The last weekend of February Courtney and I threw Andrea a baby shower brunch at my house. Everything was perfect and Grayson got a lot a great things that I'm sure he couldn't live without. It is getting sooo close to the arrival of my nephew and niece. I still cannot believe BOTH of my sisters are having a baby 2 weeks apart (more or less) AND that we all three were actually pregnant for a short period of time together. Too bad we didn't get a picture of that. Who knows maybe it will happen again on round 2 in a few years. Haha!!
Still loves her bath time :)
Our 1st time to the park.
What a beautiful 60 degree afternoon in the middle of February.
My first "girls night out" dinner and my 1st time sitting in a high chair.
Too cool for school
Mom and Dad's new puppy "Chesney."
My 1st ponytail :)
We finally had a play date with the adorable Chloe. Chloe was born mid July. She and Avery share a love of girly clothes and foo foo hair bows and head bands (or at least their mommies do).
I can sit up and play :)

Eating beans and cereal :)

We finally had a play date with the adorable Chloe. Chloe was born mid July. She and Avery share a love of girly clothes and foo foo hair bows and head bands (or at least their mommies do).
I can sit up and play :)

Eating beans and cereal :)

We got our 1st snow February 20th.
I cannot believe my baby girl is 5 months old already. Time really has flown by. She is changing so much each week, I am so excited to see what's in store for us next month.
These pictures just make me miss her more. she is so adorably cute!!! So glad I got to spend some time with her last weekend. It really was a great shower and enjoyed spending time with all you girls!!
Aunt Teezey