Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mark "Jamison" Ellington II

Avery's final (for now) cousin arrived last week.  I think this is the 1st time in over two years where there are no pregnant women in mine or Joe's immediate family. 

After Mary was sent home from the hospital TWO times (a pregnant woman's nightmare--- espcially when she really IS in labor) Jamison finally made his debut at 2:05pm weighing 7 lbs 9 oz and measuring 21 inches long!

This was extra exciting because we didn't know if it was a boy or a girl.  I had my money on it being a girl, but I was wrong.  He was name Mark Jamison Ellington II and will be called "Jamsion."

such sweet cheeks

perfectly snug as a bug

where am I??

oh heeeeyyyyy Daddy

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Brayden Paul

I thought I posted this a while ago, but obviously I forgot to publish---ooops :)

Avery's newest cousin, Brayden Paul, entered the world Monday January 14th.  His mommy was going to the hospital to have a "version" because Brayden was breech.  She was having contractions and his heart rate was dropping with the contractions.  The doctors didn't want to risk the version, so they decided it was time to make his appearance. 
He weighed 6 lbs and 13 oz of pure cuteness!!

Joe and I got to visit his first weekend home and we loved soaking in all the baby snuggles.  It's so crazy trying to remember a little over a year ago our baby girl was that size.  Seriously, why do they have to grow up so fast?

Brayden is now almost one month old and changing and growing every day.

How awesome are these hospital pictures?? Forsyth Hospital needs to get on the ball b/c these are way cooler than Avery's.

Avery is expecting another cousin ANY day now.  This baby is extra exciting becasue we have no idea if it's a boy or a girl.  I'm 50% sure it's a girl.  Mama Mary may or may not be at the hospital right now (shhhh!!)


Sunday, February 3, 2013

16 Months Old

The Melmo (Elmo) Obsession has begun :)

I guess I am mostly responsible for this by showing her Elmo videos on YouTube for a while now, but I don't know what it is about that little red guy that little kids just love.  I see lots more Elmo in our future.

Food: Avery is a great eater.  Her breakfast usually consists of blueberries, bananas, and yogurt. Her favorite is YoBaby blueberry flavor or at least that's what she tells me :)  We try to make sure she gets a fruit, veggie and meat for lunch and dinner.  I haven't quite figured out how to eat together as a family still.  She usually eats around 5:00 and Joe and I don't normally eat until 6:30.  I guess we need to meet in the middle somewhere :) I would love to get the point where she doesn't have to have her own separate meal.  Guess I need to start planning a little better.  If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them.  We've been so lucky so far that she isn't a picky eater.  She will eat just about anything you put in front of her.  New things this month is green peppers, salmon, and teddy grams. 

Sleep: I sound like a broken record, but Avery still is an excellent sleeper.  Bedtime is usually 7:00 and she sleeps until 7-7:30ish.  We are still figuring out the nap schedule.  Some days it's two and some it's one.  My goal is to get her on a long one nap schedule by this summer.  Fingers crossed.

Playtime: Books remain her favorite thing, but now she really enjoys books with pictures of her family.  She loves flipping the pages and calling out people's names. She also loves her make-up vanity she got for Christmas and she recently took an interest in her building blocks.

Sounds/Words: Avery tries to repeat everything I say to her, so now it's time to watch my mouth :) 

Teeth: 12 teeth and her bottom eye teeth are poking through at this very moment.

Milestone(s): SNOW DAY w/ mama!!!

New Places/Travels: Playdate w/ Logan Tuttle on MLK day.