Sunday, July 29, 2012

Double Digits- 10 months!!!!

2 months until 1 year old.... OMG, seriously?!?1?!  Everyone says how quickly the first year goes and they are soooo right, but I've been soaking up every moment with my baby girl this summer and I've loved watching her explore and learn so much in the past couple months.  She's gone from sitting on a blanket playing with toys, to rolling, scooting, crawling,  pulling up on everything possible, and SPEED crawling.  Walking is in her VERY near future.  My guess would be that she walks around her 1st birthday if not before.  Crazy.  Here are some candid photos from this month.

baby got "bed head"

helping Mommy blog

rolling with the hommies

love playing in my new playroom

afternoon pool date with Mommy

my 1st smocked outfit :)

the reason Mommy and Daddy installed gates

snuggling with my blankie
Weight: ?? small/average
Height: ?? average
Head: ?? small/average
Moods: still sooooo happy :)
Favorite foods: where do I begin, so many new foods this month.  LOVES chicken/turkey sticks.  Chows down on some Gerber Mac-n-cheese.
Favorite new toy: Not really new, but Avery is obsessed with BOOKs.  She looks at them ALL day long.  I hope this continues into her schooling years.  Daddy bought Avery a walker this month, but she still has mixed emotions about it.  Sometimes FUN, sometimes torture
Sounds: "da, da, da, da"  Dada all day long--- sometimes with a mama in between dadas
Favorite hobbies: Bugging Zoe.  Avery loves following Zoe around the house.  Zoe is still not "team Avery".  Avery also enjoys "reading" books, dancing (bopping up and down) to Toddler Tunes on Pandora, and walking while holding onto two fingers of anyone who'll walk her
 Playtime:  Loves "pat-a-cake" and "itsy bitsy spider"
Sleep habits: Nap #1: 8:30ish-10:30ish;  Nap #2: 1:30ish-2:30 ish  Nighttime: 7:30-6:45ish.  At Gigi's house she always sleeps in until after 8am
Teeth: Bottom: 2; Top:3 and a 4th one is poking through

10 month photo shoot :) 

My baby is getting tooooooooooo big

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Story of Us- Part 1

Today is our 3rd anniversary.  In honor of this I decided to write "our story."  It's taken longer than I thought, so this is just "part 1."
Once upon a time in a medium sized city there was a young teacher who spent most of her time shopping and going out with her girlfriends. On the other side of the city there was a banker boy who spent most of his time going to ECU football games and chillin at "the compound" with his boys.

Both were happy with their lives except they still had not met "the one".  The both decided they would give a try just to see.  The girl and boy  found each other on-line and sent a few emails to each other.  The girl was very intrigued about the boy and thought it was interesting how much they had in common already.  The boy got brave and called the girl, but she never answers unknown numbers.  The girl remembers hearing the boys voice mail and thought he sounded as nice as he looked, so the girl had to get the nerve to call the boy back. The boy and girl talked for quite a while and decided to meet for their first official date on May 3, 2007.

The boy and girl continued to grow fond of each other and enjoyed every minute they spent together. They went to parties, football games, the zoo, and several weddings.  The boy took the girl home to meet his family in Swansboro, NC.  The girl was so happy and felt so excited for what the future held for the two of them.
1st picture taken together- June 2007
night out in The Dash
1st ECU game together- ECU vs State 2007
Halloween party @ the Compound
Christmas Cocktail
1st Christmas @ the Morrison House
The boy and the girl rang in the New Year together and continued dating and falling more and more in love with each other.   The girl's sister got married that summer and the boy met ALL the girls extended family and everyone fell in love with the boy and thought he was a great catch for the girl. 
Happy New Year- 2008

The girl and boy went on a road trip to visit the girl's aunt in Maryland.  They visited the Inner Harbor, an Orioles game, and 6 Flags.  The girl laughed hysterically at the boy screaming like a little girl on the roller coasters.  

 The boy and girl finally went to an Appalachian State football game where the girl went to school.
ECU game with Mark and Mary- 2008

The boy and the girl often went to hiking to Hanging Rock.  One Saturday morning in October they picked up some Subway and headed up the mountain to enjoy a cool fall day outside.  The boy packed a backpack (which he NEVER did) and took his own camera (which he NEVER did), so the girl thought that was weird.  They hiked to the top to eat their lunch and enjoy the beautiful view.  Then they headed down to the waterfalls to "take some more pictures."  Next to one of the beautiful falls the boy asked the girl to marry him and of course she said, "yes"!!!
Top of Hanging Rock 2008
bling bling
Engagement Pic- one of the few times he let me spike his hair :)

 Stay tuned for more to come on our story....

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mr. and Mrs. Vogel

Courtney and Matt said their "I do's" back in February in Asheville, NC. 

The Morrison and Vogel parents through the happy couple a reception this past weekend in downtown Kernersville at the Harmon House.  There was great BBQ, a scrumptious cookie and milk table, de-lish peach sangria, and tons a well behaved little ones.  Courtney and Matt received a generous amount of gifts to help them complete their kitchen as "grown ups".  Now my parents can sit back and relax because we are all married and all the babies (for now) are here and healthy.  It has been an eventful year for us and we couldn't be more blessed.