2 months until 1 year old.... OMG, seriously?!?1?! Everyone says how quickly the first year goes and they are soooo right, but I've been soaking up every moment with my baby girl this summer and I've loved watching her explore and learn so much in the past couple months. She's gone from sitting on a blanket playing with toys, to rolling, scooting, crawling, pulling up on everything possible, and SPEED crawling. Walking is in her VERY near future. My guess would be that she walks around her 1st birthday if not before. Crazy. Here are some candid photos from this month.
baby got "bed head" |
helping Mommy blog |
rolling with the hommies |
love playing in my new playroom |
afternoon pool date with Mommy |
my 1st smocked outfit :) |
the reason Mommy and Daddy installed gates |
snuggling with my blankie |
Height: ?? average
Head: ?? small/average
Moods: still sooooo happy :)
Favorite foods: where do I begin, so many new foods this month. LOVES chicken/turkey sticks. Chows down on some Gerber Mac-n-cheese.
Favorite new toy: Not really new, but Avery is obsessed with BOOKs. She looks at them ALL day long. I hope this continues into her schooling years. Daddy bought Avery a walker this month, but she still has mixed emotions about it. Sometimes FUN, sometimes torture
Sounds: "da, da, da, da" Dada all day long--- sometimes with a mama in between dadas
Favorite hobbies: Bugging Zoe. Avery loves following Zoe around the house. Zoe is still not "team Avery". Avery also enjoys "reading" books, dancing (bopping up and down) to Toddler Tunes on Pandora, and walking while holding onto two fingers of anyone who'll walk her
Playtime: Loves "pat-a-cake" and "itsy bitsy spider"
Sleep habits: Nap #1: 8:30ish-10:30ish; Nap #2: 1:30ish-2:30 ish Nighttime: 7:30-6:45ish. At Gigi's house she always sleeps in until after 8am
Teeth: Bottom: 2; Top:3 and a 4th one is poking through
10 month photo shoot :)
My baby is getting tooooooooooo big |