Weight: 17lbs 5.5oz (25.87 %tile)
Height: 28 in (69 %tile)-- doc said she had a significant growth spurt here
Head: 43.2 cm (28%tile)
Moods: Happy and smiling 85% of the time. If she's unhappy all we have to do is pick her up, hold her hands, and let her walk around the house. She is unhappy being in her life vest on the boat, but I learned if I continuously feed her puffs during the boat ride she will not cry. She is beginning to give us a glimpse of her temper when she wants something, I find it adorable.
Favorite foods:We started finger foods this month. She loves sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, apples, bananas, peaches, and Gerber puffs and yogurt melts.
Favorite toy: She loves all toys, but her two favorites right now are her yellow bunny that plays and her stand up Leap Frog toy (I have no idea what it's called).
Sounds: "Ba, ba, ba, bah" all day long. We've head "ma ma"a couple times :)
Favorite hobbies: Playing with mommy, duh :) Avery and I are enjoying my summer off by playing all day long. Of course with some shopping trips in between. She LOVES to swim and be outside. She's been to the lake several times and we are getting ready to head back to the beach this week.
Playtime: Gone are the days of placing my sweet girl on a blanket surrounded by toys and she'd entertain herself for while. She is ALL OVER THE PLACE. She loves crawling/creeping/scooting throughout the house. Her favorite thing to do is try to sneak into the dining room to get Zoe's dog food. I think she finds it even more fun for Joe or I to catch her in the act. She thinks that is SOOOO funny. She does respond pretty well to "no" when she goes towards the steps. We have not set up any gates yet, but they may be in our near future.
Sleep habits: If we're at home all day she'll usually takes 3 naps, but when we're out and about it's a good two naps. She almost always falls asleep in the car. She still sleeps through the night and (knock on wood) has been a great sleeper since 10 weeks old. Right now she goes to bed about 7:45 and wakes around 6:30/7:00ish.
Teeth: Still two on the bottom, but one on the top is beginning to poke through. It's not a middle tooth though. Doctor saw it and said she might be a vampire baby for a while. Hahah! I cannot wait to see that!
Happy Father's Day Daddy!! |
One paci in the mouth and one in each hand |
eating peas and apples with my hands |
Cindy Lou pony :) |
learning to use a sippy cup |
put me in coach |